A few years ago at the annual SIA tradeshow, we wandered by the Vew-Do Balance Board booth. We’d heard of balance boards, but had never had the chance to try one. Our kids were instantly hooked and we had to drag them away from the booth multiple times. We ended up ordering an El Dorado and Zippy shortly following that tradeshow. Without a doubt, spending time on balance boards has helped make everyone in my family better snowboarders.

If you’re a snowboarder, skateboarder, or surfer, there’s a good chance you own a balance board. If not, you should. And if you’re anything like me, you need some extra motivation to hit the weights that are collecting dust in your basement. Try a dumbbell circuit on a balance board. My typical circuit is a mix of lifts on and off the board. I can usually complete three circuits in less than 45 minutes. A quick and very effective for all-around strength training and balance!

Vew-Do Balance Board Dumbbell Circuit Workout

3 sets of 15 except where noted

5-10 minutes of warmup, like jump rope.

  1. V-Ups*
  2. Russian Twists (50-60)*
  3. Superman or Standing Bar Raises*
  4. Squats with Shoulder Press
  5. Tricep Extensions
  6. Weighted Standing Lunges (10-15 each leg)*
  7. Bent over row
  8. Bicep Curls
  9. Pushups (hands on board where your feet would be. Or try feet on board, hands on floor!)

90 seconds rest between sets

* not on balance board

Need more motivation? Crank this metal music workout mix!

Spotify Playlist URI

Spotify Playlist Link

Vew-Do Balance Boards El Dorado

Vew-Do Balance Boards El Dorado

$149 | vewdo.com

Vew-Do Balance Boards Rocks

If the El Dorado’s rock is a bit aggressive for you, they sell individual rocks to accommodate varying skill levels. We own three rocks (pictured above).

$35.95 | vewdo.com

Cycleops Training Mat

I ride on a Cyclops Training Mat on concrete floor in our basement. It works perfectly.


This is not easy! Vew-Do Balance Boards founder Brew “Vew” Moscarello at SIA 2014 in Denver, CO.